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AI at work: transforming employee experience with Webex AI

Faniel Altmark  (Director of Product Management, Webex AI, Cisco)

Ashish Chotai  (Director of Product Management, Webex Media & AI, Cisco)

Location: First Level; Mission City Ballroom B1-B3 THEATER

Date: Wednesday, October 2

Time: 8:35 am - 8:50 am

Pass Type: Conference, Industry Conference, Networking, Exhibitor Staff - Get your pass now!

Session Type: Sponsored Session

Vault Recording: TBD

Webex by Cisco

AI technology is transforming work and customer interactions, with 84% of business leaders believing it enhances the employee experience and significant budgets allocated to AI. This webinar will explore AI's role in organizational transformation, featuring insights from market research and success stories from early adopters of the AI Assistant. Key takeaways include why leaders are investing in AI, its benefits for businesses and employees, success stories, and the impact of AI on customer experience. Join us to learn how AI-driven solutions from Webex are shaping the future of work and can drive exceptional outcomes in your workplace.