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Deloitte Keynote: The AI Advantage: Elevating Customer Interactions

Vinita Kumar  (Business Development, Deloitte)

Dexter Zavalza  (Conversational and Generative AI UX Design Lead, Deloitte)

Location: First Level; Mission City Ballroom B4-B5

Date: Wednesday, October 2

Time: 9:00 am - 9:45 am

Pass Type: Conference, Industry Conference, Exhibitor Staff - Get your pass now!

Session Type: Keynote

Vault Recording: TBD

Join this fireside chat-style discussion to understand:
  • Reimagined customer journeys, enabled by AI
  • Strategy and tactics to redesign service experiences for customers with queries, agents behind their desktops, and managers understanding their operations through metrics and measures
  • What must be true for AI to advance the service experience

During this conversation, the speakers will probe conversational design and linguistics, technical considerations, and broader aspects of the customer experience operating model to achieve the return on AI investments in service centers.