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How to Talk to Your AI Assistant: From Prompt Engineering to Conversations

Jim Lundy  (Founder, CEO & Lead Analyst, Aragon Research)

Location: Second Level; Meeting Room 210

Date: Wednesday, October 2

Time: 10:00 am - 10:45 am

Pass Type: Conference, Industry Conference - Get your pass now!

Session Type: Conference Track Session

Track: AI for Productivity

Vault Recording: TBD

Generative AI can't make your end users more productive unless they understand how to interact with the system. That means training them on prompt engineering, the skill of crafting prompts that get the most useful responses from the LLM (large language model). This session will help you understand the basic principles of prompt engineering, as well as offering insights based on experience with LLM prompting to date. You'll come away with the latest understanding of the different kinds of prompts, how to structure them, and how to train your end users in these best practices so it becomes their natural way of "conversing" with the AI Assistant and LLM.

  • What are the key steps in crafting prompts for optimal results?
  • How has the thinking about prompt engineering evolved since the debut of ChatGPT almost two years ago?
  • What must you understand about prompt engineering if your enterprise is building its own AI applications?
  • How should you incorporate training on prompt engineering into a pilot or implementation of AI assistants and other applications?