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Self-Service Strategies: Should You Get Rid of Agents—Or Chatbots?

Raj Gajwani  (Managing Partner, Day 0)

Neil Shah  (Technologist in Residence, Generative AI, US Digital Response)

Location: Second Level; Meeting Room 203-204

Date: Wednesday, October 2

Time: 10:00 am - 10:45 am

Pass Type: Conference, Industry Conference, Exhibitor Staff - Get your pass now!

Session Type: Conference Track Session

Track: AI for CX

Vault Recording: TBD

Early generations of self-service chatbots have largely been disappointing to customers and brands alike. Many CX leaders are hoping Gen AI can improve the chatbot experience by automating back-end processes, even if the technology isn't yet ready for customer-facing scenarios. But what if the problem is chatbots themselves—what if they're simply the wrong UX for self-service? In this session, you'll learn about a large enterprise project that exposed the inadequacies of the chatbot model—and how an LLM promised a new type of guided user experience for self-service. You'll also get insights into the ways that agent assist scenarios are likely to impact the staffing levels required in contact centers over the next several years. You'll come away with fresh perspectives on how to pursue your self-service strategy, and how to plan for agent staffing levels in the near- and medium-term.

  • Where the chatbot model may drive significant levels of self-service, and where it won't
  • How you should be planning to incorporate Gen AI into your self-service strategy
  • How Gen AI may transform your approach to agent staffing levels